The Moldy Truth About My Pink Water Bottle

I love my pink water bottle. It has an aesthetic shape and a perfect, soft pastel color that's pleasing to the eye. There were times when I took it everywhere, like two inseparable best friends battling dehydration.

Now, however, we’re no longer besties. I drink water from a glass at the office and buy mineral water from a nearby supermarket when I'm out. So, where is my cute pink bottle, you might ask? It’s now only used when I’m in my room. Sounds exclusive, huh? But no, there's a pretty damning reason for that...

And it’s because of the mold on my bottle’s seal!

Well, yuck. I’ve tried several methods to restore my bottle’s glory, but nothing really worked. Two weeks ago, TikTok recommended something called Milton Sterilising Tablets to me. From what I gathered, it should be able to sterilize household items and remove mold. I quickly ordered it on Shopee.

I followed the steps shown in the video. I dropped one tablet in a small basin of water. After the tablet dissolved completely, I soaked my bottles (and some other lids) in the solution. I left the basin in the kitchen for about 24 hours.

After a long night, it was finally time to see the results. Well, Milton didn’t completely remove the mold from my seal, but it looked so much better than before (I forgot to take a before-and-after comparison, sorry!). However, I felt that this one was on me. My seal had been too dirty for way too long before I took action. I should’ve used Milton to clean it months ago.

Still unsatisfied, I decided to explore TikTok’s cleaning section further. I then discovered that combining hot water, vinegar, and dish soap could work wonders. Using my mom’s supplies, I tested the theory and let my items soak for an hour.

It didn’t make a difference, but at least I tried.

So, while my experience cleaning my bottle's seal may have been a failure, let's not overlook the main takeaway from this post: always clean your bottle regularly! Remove all the seals and wash them separately to prevent mold from growing.
I hate mold. I really, really do. And I know you do too.

P.S.: I ended up throwing away the seal. Now, my bottle’s lid is bald—no seal attached.


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